Wheat Straw

Wheat Straw.

Wheat straw Hay is an agriculture by-product which is being used as animal fodder. it is also known as lowes straw bales. After the seed and grain are separated from a straw for human consumption, the left behind hay straws undergo from a procedure to preserve these straws as forage and use for mushroom tissue culture.

In most countries of Asia and other countries, this straw is used for animals. Indeed, it is often the staple as feed. Even in some parts of Europe, it is traditionally fed to farm animals. Such hay and straws form an essential item of the Farm animals’ feeds.

Wheat Straw is the main pillar and natural food for all ruminants Alfalfa Hay is characterized by containing high percentage of protein in addition to a range of essential vitamins and minerals to feed the animal , as well as a good percentage of calcium which is necessary for the growth of bone and muscle movement.


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Wheat Straw is the main pillar and natural food for all ruminants Alfalfa Hay is characterized by containing high percentage of protein in addition to a range of essential vitamins and minerals to feed the animal , as well as a good percentage of calcium which is necessary for the growth of bone and muscle movement.


Rhodes grass.

Wheat Straw.

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